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Quick lit 2015, first edition, part 2


i have a weakness for hot right now books

Do you go through phases with your reading speed? Sometimes, I’m racing to finish a novel, and then when I do, I feel like I can’t quite jump into a new one yet.

It’s like I need some time to let the characters hang out in my mind a bit longer before I move on. I get really attached to characters, and then I have a hard time letting them go.  I suppose that’s a sign of a good book. It happened to me this past weekend with my most-recently finished book.

(I post quite a bit about books here on the blog. If you find yourself looking for a friendly kick in the pants to up your own reading, I have just the thing for you. Download my free ebook, Read More, today for instant inspiration on the why and how.)

And now for part two of this year’s books read so far (in order read). And I’ll tell you what I’m reading right now too, because I know you’re dying to know. ;)

what i'm reading in 2015  nicolevbennett.com

The Hundred-Foot Journey by Richard C. Morais

I have a weakness for the “hot right now” bookshelf at the library (that shelf beckons to me with a challenge and calls me “chicken” until I snatch a book off it), and also for books that have been made into movies. If I know I might see the movie, I find myself needing to read the book first. I also love books about food and food cultures and foreign countries. So basically this was a perfect book for me. It had some slow parts, and in some ways I liked the movie better, but overall, a good read.

 The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin

I really loved this book. I think I usually prefer stories that happen over a shorter time span (shorter than half a life anyway), but I really loved journeying through A.J.’s life. The characters were so well-developed in this book and there was a bit of a mysterious thread of a story running through it. It had a lot of wonderful literary references, too, the majority of which were short stories I’ve never read, and now want to.

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo

Such a fun little book to read, with all of its Japanese culture references and its funny little stories of young Marie’s “tidying” escapades. And of course, like pretty much everyone else who has read this, I have completely overhauled my clothes-folding system and my dresser will never be the same. It’s amazing. I haven’t ventured further than clothes with her methods but she’s got some awesome ideas for simpler home organization (hint: it starts with getting rid of a lot of stuff).

I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith

I adored this book. Thank you, Anne, for recommending it. I saw the movie ten years ago, and did not know it was a book until last year. I completely loved Cassandra’s narrating style (it’s written as her journal); she completely captured me (see what I did there?) with her coming-of-age story. It almost read like a Jane Austen but with a setting a century and a half later. Unrelated bonus points for me for getting a reference to medieval English history in it that I never would have gotten before studying the middle ages with Gigi this year. This is a book to buy and add to my personal shelves.


Read aloud to the kiddos: Little House on the Prairie (we all loved it, I need to buy the next book!)

Currently reading:

Part 1 of this edition of Quick Lit can be found here.

Lovely friends, I’d love to know what you’re reading these days!

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The post Quick lit 2015, first edition, part 2 appeared first on Nicole V. Bennett.

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